Jesus Holy Church is training indigenous leaders for pioneer ministry. Native workers are being trained for 15 weeks and sent to the mission fields, the places where the Gospel has never before been preached. One of the effective evangelistic methodologies adopted by Jesus Holy Church is to impact the people of India with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and plant new churches throughout the unreached areas in the country.

Pastor's Conference

Pastor's Conference

The Pastors of India’s villages have little opportunity for fellowship and spiritual enrichment with other pastors. We have discovered that conferences that minister to the needs and problems of pastors can produce increased fruitfulness in the ministry. Jesus Holy Church is planning a large Pastor’s Conference for 3 days with 2,000 pastors attending.

Gospel Crusades

Gospel Crusades

Jesus Holy Church frequently hosts large evangelistic crusades drawing hundreds of people. Our large outreach crusades draw between two to three thousand people. We want to continue these efforts every year and pray that God will provide the funding through people like you to continue hosting these crusades.

Many more leaders are needed to reach out to millions who need to hear about Jesus. We need help in training additional native missionaries. Sponsor a training student for $40 a month—25 students for a three-month course $3000.

Our missionaries usually work among villages and jungle areas. They go on foot from house to house with a bag full of tracts and Bibles; they face many difficulties and physical hardships. Often these villages are many miles apart. A bicycle can significantly shorten travel time and enable these workers to spend more time sharing the Gospel.


Jesus Holy Church is registered as a charitable trust with Registration No. 63/09. We have obtained permission from the Government of India to receive foreign contributions and financial support under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) No. 010230901.