Church Planting and Evangelism:

PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! Jesus Holy Church Ministries We continue to expand our ministry to reach more souls for Christ. To date we have 35 branch churces and have worked in 0ver 35 villages. Please pray to support our Pastors working in remote areas so they can dedicate time to saving souls. See more info under PROJECTS- CHURCH PLANTING AND EVANGELISM on this website.

Training Leaders

Jesus Holy Church is training indigenous leaders for pioneer ministry. These are Natives being trained for 15 weeks and sent to to the mission fields, the place where the Gospel has NEVER been preached. The purpose of this ministry is to reach new generations and new people groups with the Word of God and to establish congregations with a stong Biblical foundation. Please pray to support our Biblical Training so we can expand. See more info under PROJECTS - TRAINING LEADERS on this website.

Building Churches

As the ministry of these Pastors grow in these remote areas they need a place to bring these newly converted souls to nourish them with the Word of God. In many of these areas, people gather in tents or huts. These structures are subject to weather conditions, particularly during the rainy season. Please pray to help support churches. Jesus Holy Church can build a church for $15,000. See more information under PROJECTS - CHURCH BUILDING on this website.

Equip the Missionaries

Our trained Pastors are truly Missionaries going out into the unreached areas with the Gospel message. There are so many needs to equip them to further the gospel. Some of the needs include: bike transportation, motorbikes, Bibles, or a van. Many of these Pastors walk for miles to bring the Good News. Pray to help and please see more information under PROJECTS - EQUIP THE MISSIONARIES on this website. .