Equip the Missionaries

The following items are greatly needed to facilitate the work of the missionaries in their church planting efforts.

Your generous gift of $100 will provide a bicycle to a missionary planting a church. On your behalf our missionaries can take the Gospel message to hundreds of the most unreached people.


A motorbike is an extremely useful and time-saving tool, especially for the Senior Pastor who oversees churches in various areas. The cost of a motorbike is $1,000.


Bibles are given to the people in unreached areas who never heard the Gospel. The cost of a Bible is approximately $5. Please provide a donation so that these unreached people will be able to read and study the Word of God.

Gospel Van

With a van, a native Gospel Team can visit a minimum of five unreached villages a day in the most remote areas with Gospel tracts, Bibles, flip charts, Jesus Films, a projector, a generator, food, and water, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with thousands. The cost of a van is approximately $25,000.